How Do You Treat Poison Oak


Home Remedies for Poison Oak

Did you know that you may have some good weapons in your house to battle poison oak rash? There are some pretty strong home remedies that do work!

Alcohol is heavily used as one of the top home remedies to get rid completely of urushiol in the skin and in the clothes that came in contact with the toxin.  The sooner you clean your skin by rubbing alcohol after contact, the more success you’ll have, and if you clean the skin within 10 minutes you can even keep the rash from appearing in the following hours.

Use alcohol on the clothing also, as it can easily spread urushiol in your house.  After cleaning it with alcohol, wash it separately from other clothes toe nsure no residue of the toxin is left.

Another interesting home poison oak treatment is apple cider vinegar.  Many people use a combination of half water, half vinegar to find relief to the tormenting itching that accompanies the rash.

Speaking of vinegar, you can also use common vinegar along with baking soda to prepare a paste with a consistence similar to peanut butter.  This mixture is meant to be rubbed on the skin vigorously.  After the initial soreness is gone, you can expect a great improvement in the condition of your skin.